1. 125 McDoublesTM
2. 25 $5 Footlong Subs from SubwayTM
4. Website hosting for one year (cornerhost)
5. School supplies for your children
6. School clothes for your children
7. 62.5 gallons of Gasoline (@$2/gal.)
8. One month car insurance
9. 5+ Cases of Beer
10. Life insurance premiums
11. Almost three full months of SARTA tickets
12. Car Maintenance or Repair
13. New Door or Window for your home
14. Donation to your favorite charity
15. Donation to your favored political party or candidate
16. One or two fancy dinners with your wife or girlfriend
17. Replace all the light bulbs in your home with CFL energy saving bulbs
18. New pillows and sheet and comforter set.
19. 288 rolls of toilet paper, over five years’ worth (24 rolls @ $10, 1 roll per week consumption 52 week year)
20. 138 Loaves of bread ($.90 ea. @ the Nickles’ Bakery Thrift Store)
21. 125 dozen eggs (on sale @ $.99/dozen)
22. 41 Gallons of milk (sale $2.99/gal.)
23. 17 months of a generic prescription ($7 various pharmacies or insurance co-pay)
24. 5 months sewer bill @ $25 per month
25. School books for your child
26. Used computer from Craigslist
27. Bicycle for your child
28. 12 movies
29. 2 new video games
30. 30 comic books
31. 80 movie tickets at Movies 10 (the dollar theatre, actually, $1.50 now)
32. 15 first run movie tickets from Tinseltown ($8.25 ea.)
33. 10 custom made T-shirts with your very own original design from BlueCotton.com
34. Large libary fines from forgetful children
35. Build your own home gym
36. Books
37. CDs or MP3s
38. Buy Eyeglasses from an online store (5 pairs or more)
39. Concert Tickets
40. Sports Event Tickets
41. Hats (everyone loves pretty hats)
42. Car Stereo Head Unit
43. Digital Music and Movie Player (not iPod)
44. Shoes
45. Cable TV service and Internet + Premium services for a month
46. Digital Camera
47. Super Fancy Programmable Thermostat
48. 12,500 pennies to throw in wish fountains
49. 5 months membership to the YMCA
50. 50 games of bowling (2.50 per game, excluding shoe rental)
51. A blender, a toaster, and a coffee machine.
52. A new Microwave
53. Lots of socks
54. Lots of underwear
55. A one way plane ticket out of the Canton area (from the Canton-Akron Airport)
56. Round trip Greyhound ticket from Canton to Atlanta, GA (14 day advance purchase)
57. Your electric bill
58. Your natural gas bill
59. 41 euchre tournament entry fees (@ $3 ea.)
60. A fancy watch
61. A new cellphone
62. 4 months cell phone bill
63. Pet Food
64. Veterinarian appointment
65. 125 bags of marshmallows
66. 6 rounds of miniature golf for a family of four (@ $5 each)
67. VOIP telephone service for a year (not unlimited)
68. Windows XP operating system disc
69. Newspaper subscription
70. Donate to the EFF and help protect all our digital rights
71. Gloves hats and scarves for winter
72. Ties
73. Belts or suspenders (whichever way you roll)
74. Batteries for your remote control(s), for life
75. 297 Forever Stamps (at $.42 ea. that’s almost two and a half years if you mail out 10 letters/bills per month!)
76. A Nintendo DS
77. A used PSP
78. $125 Cow that pays for itself at $1 per day earnings
79. New Toilet
80. New faucet for kitchen or bath
81. Massaging shower head
82. A framed print of art for your wall
83. A printer
84. Furniture
85. Lamps
86. 46 High Speed 6′ HDMI 1.3a cables
87. 5,250 business cards (vistaprint 250 free business cards with $5.95 shipping x 21 orders)
88. 1 Case of Bubblegum Flavored Floss (2,593 ft.)
89. 6 pet bunnies
90. A TV capture card for turning your home computer into a DVR
91. A whole classroom of students their own individual calculators
92. 125 shares of CItiBank stock
93. An hour long massage
94. 1,250 copies
95. 10 flashlights
96. 5 smoke alarms
97. 5 Dairy Queen Ice cream cakes….mmmmmmmmm
98. A paintball gun
99. An airsoft pistol
100. A bunch of Lego
101. 60 yards of Duct Tape
102. A set of used tires.
103. Numerous stopwatches
104. A small claims court lawsuit
105. 250 DVD+/-Rs (1,175 GB of storage!)
106. A 1TB internal or external Hard Drive
107. 25 2 GB SD cards
108. A ceiling fan
109. Space heater for the garage
110. Vacuum cleaner or Shop Vac
111. Alarm Clock
112. Folding Table and Chairs
113. Seamonkeys
114. Board Games
115. Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary, Valentine’s Day, and Sympathy Cards for the year
116. 3000 Cheques
117. 9 Doctor Visit Co-pay
118. Wireless Keyboard and Mouse
119. New curtains for your home
120. Rat poison
121. A lawn mower
122. Nearly 10,000 Acetaminophen tablets
123. Paint
124. 12 haircuts
125. Lottery tickets
126. Anything else YOU want! Instead of being forced to pay a fine that is illegally generated, and if you want to contest it you must go to court and in that court you are guilty until proven innocent. Hell, even with proof you ARE innocent you are still found guilty in Chillicothe, Ohio!
(Special thanks to Steve McKinney, he’s the one who found that link to the Chillicothe tragic miscarriage of justice, and thanks to Mom for helping me finish out the list when I got stuck and ran out of ideas)
Tags: Canton, Chillicothe, List, Ohio, other things you can buy, Redflex, Redflex Ohio, Redflex Tickets cost, Stolen Money, Tickets

Redflex Red Light and Speed Enforcement Cameras have supposedly NEVER caught their own executives speeding or running red lights.
Yet ACS equipment has fined Redflex Executives, and Redflex Equipment has fined ACS Executives.
I find it very curious that this is the case. Both companies are in the Red Light and Speed Enforcement Camera business, and business is BOOMING.
The executives cited in the above editorial avoided paying their tickets by ignoring legal summonses and refusing to pay them. Granted, in the one case, the violation occurred BEFORE the executive in question was employed by Redflex.
But on the Media side of things, I have to call foul. When you hire someone to preach to his buddies at a newspaper about the virtues of red light cameras, and that publication comes out in support of red light cameras, I find it difficult to believe that they should be allowed to run any story in their “newspaper” without a huge disclaimer detailing their exact relationships with the issues and stories in question.
This is a gigantic miscarriage of the public trust. It smacks of bribery and back-door collusion. No one, with ANY brain, approves of Red Light Camera and Speed Camera Enforcement; not when educated on the FACTS about the issues at hand. Personal privacy issues, illegal surveillance, bribery, perjury, falsification of documents, quotas, criminal FCC code violations, and lies, lies, and more lies.
Tainted study results, invalidated studies and conclusions, these are not charges to be bandied about lightly, and they are ALL TRUE! As Spider Jerusalem said: “Lies are news, and The Truth is obsolete!”
Next we have Redflex conveniently “forgetting” to file their contractually mandated equipment maintenance and calibration reports:
The City didn’t care, until they got embarrassed when The Rocky Mountain News requested those reports.
Redflex also falsifies certification documents for equipment located in Louisiana. Small problem, the notary was making up certification documents in Arizona at the time. Never touched or even viewed the equipment, let alone properly tested it:
I’m sorry, I should really just leave them alone. Redflex continuously and callously violates the law, creates hazardous situations, contributes to increased accident rates, falsifies documents and data, and manipulates studies so badly that they’re declared invalid in their entirety. I’d say this company is doing fine destroying itself without my help. But it’s taking hundreds of millions of dollars from innocent people each year, and that is despicable beyond words. They need to refund every ticket ever issued and fold the company, and work in public servitude for the rest of their unnatural lives for atonement of their sins.
Tags: Amber light, Cameras, Canton, Deceit, Dirty, Dirty Redflex, Falsification, Flawed System, Increased Accidents, Lies, Ohio, Photo Enforcement Tricks, Red Light, Red Light Cameras, Redflex, Short Yellow, Theft, Tickets, Yellow Light