Rosenberg FALSELY claimed that Redflex’s camera systems DO NOT record 24/7, when explaining their system to residents of Canton, OH.
Redflex was apparently answering questions from the Arizona state legislature over the matter of HB 2106 , and Redflex committed perjury. Any lying or falsification in court constitutes perjury, but where you or I would be fined or thrown into prison for perjuring ourselves in a court of law, Redflex gets a free pass. The DPS (department of public safety) contradicted Redflex’s testimony that “the cameras do not record information 24/7.” This is domestic spying, plain and simple. I don’t care if the footage is never accessed, it IS sent back to Redflex, and kept for “an indeterminate amount of time.” Such abuse of the public trust cannot be allowed to stand. These private contractors and public officials are enriching themselves off of the backs of the citizens who have told them, time and time again, that we do not want these systems on our roadways.
Aaron Rosenberg also cited the completely debunked study from Oxnard, CA in his final presentation, stating that fully 85% of the residents supported the red-light ticketing schemes, and were happy with their implementation. I resisted correcting him loudly, but just barely.
Redflex spokesman Aaron Rosenberg stated at the last informational meeting in Canton, OH, that “You have no right to privacy in your car on public roads.”
Apparently the Constitution means nothing to these lying fraudsters.
There’s a bit in that Constitution that American citizens should be “secure in their persons and property.” Now one might argue that the intent of that law is to keep the government from stealing your freedom and possessions from you. But I think Castle doctrine could be stretched to include your automobile. If a man’s house is his castle, then his car is his carriage, and the wanton spying on and shaking down of motor vehicle OWNERS constitutes nothing but THEFT, just like roving gangs of bandits (in the medieval ages. Unlike the fictional Robin Hood, these fixed and roving thieves are robbing from the poor and destitute motorists to enrich their multinational holding company, as well as the greedy, rapacious, revenue-hungry state and local governments.
There you go, concrete proof that these villains are streaming video around the clock. Recording innocent citizens, not just capturing still images of violators as they claim.
Then, they go as far as adding cameras to TAPE THEIR OWN CAMERAS!
Nevermind that these cameras can be disabled in the same way the speed and red light cameras are (with yellow sticky notes), this is nothing but spying, spying, spying! Your freedoms and rights are being stolen away from you in the name of greed veiled by the dubious assertion of “safety!”
From my favorite comic book, Transmetropolitan, “Go listen to his address. Note down his lies. There will be many, so clear some memory on that hand-held of yours. Then go home and write an article that’ll make his eyes bleed and his sphincter collapse.”
With this in mind, I will be dissecting the informational pamphlet that was distributed at these informational meetings in my next posts. You know, the one that was riddled with inaccurate assumptions and outright lies about Canton’s need for the “safety” of these red light camera systems.
Stay tuned, both of you, my cherished, loyal readers.
Tags: 24/7 recording, Cameras, Canton, Canton Ohio, OH, Ohio, Red Light Cameras, Redflex, Redflex Ohio, spying, surviellance, thieves